Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jamaica´s Upgrade

MANY people across the globe tend to believe that Jamaica as a third world country occupies thousands of people still living in huts without running water or electricity. There might still be some cases but the country has improved over the years where living condition is concerned. There are more modern houses today than ever before.
There are companies that continue to build on the land and also taking our streets and highways into action by newly constructing them so that traveling will not be so uncomfortable anymore.
Jamaicans dont just eat fruits and parade around all day. People work in many different areas to survive. Schools are up and running and is most times filled with students who have desk to write on and chairs to sit on. Cars are plenty, shops and supermarkets are within reach and of course not forgetting to mention all the advanced appliances that are sold to the locals. Citizens do have refrigerators, microwaves, colored television, vacuum cleaner, water filter, air conditioning...etc in their homes. Yes there are those who cannot afford all the luxury but still there is something that outsiders would not expect the poorest man to have.
The culture remains the same. Farming is a good way of providing food for the family and others as farmers sometimes sells their crop to vendors. Jamaicans take pride in their heritage and culture and are always proud to be what they are.