Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Young couples

Planning to get serious and settle down to start a whole new chapter in your life with someone special? How do you know that you are ready for commitment? There is no school for you to take a test just to make sure you pass in order to know if you are ready or not. So how do you know that you are ready? There is no knowing. There is just a feeling of being confident about what you are stepping into. We all have doubts when it comes to commitment but it just takes a little believe in order to actually move forward. The wonderful feeling of being in love gives you the boost to know that the time is right.
There is absolutely nothing to be scared of. Its a whole new adventure being married and starting a family. Some people never got the chance to feel so loved before. Its something amazing when two people come together and agree to commit themselves to each other. Most times fear comes from what you know about other couples. What if we end up like...? What if it doesn´t work out? The only thing you have to remember is that it takes two to make a relationship works. You have to give up your own feelings sometimes for the sake of your partner. Its a 50/50 business. If you both give 50% then it should work. Personally, I think if you want to know if you are ready, you have to first acknowledge that you are willing to give up yourself for the sake of someone else. Its nothing mentally or physically challenging. If you are in love and if its true love, it will all work out.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jamaica´s Upgrade

MANY people across the globe tend to believe that Jamaica as a third world country occupies thousands of people still living in huts without running water or electricity. There might still be some cases but the country has improved over the years where living condition is concerned. There are more modern houses today than ever before.
There are companies that continue to build on the land and also taking our streets and highways into action by newly constructing them so that traveling will not be so uncomfortable anymore.
Jamaicans dont just eat fruits and parade around all day. People work in many different areas to survive. Schools are up and running and is most times filled with students who have desk to write on and chairs to sit on. Cars are plenty, shops and supermarkets are within reach and of course not forgetting to mention all the advanced appliances that are sold to the locals. Citizens do have refrigerators, microwaves, colored television, vacuum cleaner, water filter, air conditioning...etc in their homes. Yes there are those who cannot afford all the luxury but still there is something that outsiders would not expect the poorest man to have.
The culture remains the same. Farming is a good way of providing food for the family and others as farmers sometimes sells their crop to vendors. Jamaicans take pride in their heritage and culture and are always proud to be what they are.


WHERE the green hills bask in the morning sun and the fog settles between the valleys surrounded by nature is one little island in the Caribbean that is impressively intriguing. The painted morning sky lightens the heart to the start of a new day. The smell of roasted coffee beans mixed with the freshness of the air just stirs the spirit with a satisfaction of pleasure. Beholding the palm trees and the dew drops that reflects the golden sun on the leaves in the surrounding brings a feeling of profound adoration. Mangoes hang perfectly from their trees as if they were positioned specifically to grab the attention of passerby. Bananas taking pride showing off their extra smooth and lightly yellow colored skin pretending to hide under the shining shielding leaves. Birds sing joyfully creating a melody that is comfortable to the ears as they greet the new morning by spreading their colorful wings honoring the sunshine and gracefully flying off to fun fill a beautiful day. One of the greatest places in the Caribbean is Jamaica. Enjoy the fun.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Where are the greeting cards?

On several occasions there are barely any cards to say how you feel. For example, merry Christmas is a general greeting. If you wish to make it more personal like merry Christmas to my dear sister or to my lovely fiancee have a peaceful holiday then perhaps you have to make the card yourself. There should be more personal greeting cards on the market that relate to every day situation and to every individual. Mother´s day does not consist of just children giving their moms a card. What about a sister, friend, co-worker, cousin, aunt or in laws that also has children? It would mean more to them to have a card that says "For a loving sister on Mother´s day" or "For my cousin on mother´s day" these things help to give the occasion something more special about it. It seem as if companies are running out of ideas but it can be a good thing to start personalizing more greeting cards. How about you did something wrong and wanted to apologize but wanted to express your feelings through a card? How about asking your best friend to be your bridesmaid or best man? Its a typical situation to be admiring someone secretly but just never have the guts to actually say it. How about a card that says it all? What about asking someone out to the movies or telling your spouse thanks for something s/he did? It would be a great deal to find a card that fits when you really need one. So next time you are in search of a good card that says exactly what you want and dont seem to find one, make a suggestion to the sales person or the manager of the shop to get more cards that reflects every day situations.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An experience to cherish

The night was young when our group of nine arrived at the Havana Airport in Cuba. The journey from Jamaica to Cuba is short so it was a very comfortable and pleasant flight. Upon arrival, we stood outside the airport waiting for a taxi to take us to the guesthouse that we were staying in the city. As the different members of our group took turns watching the luggage so that others could use the lavatory, within the wink of an eye, a suitcase from the leader of the group was missing. As the area was crowded with people and there was not much of a bright light outside, there was absolutely no way of finding who had snatched it or how to get it back. We had to leave so we got into two groups and headed off in two taxis to the guesthouse.
The night was warm and without stress. We got to the guesthouse early enough to take a shower and to walk down the street to get a pizza. The service was wonderful and the taste of the pizza was incredible.
It was around 10:00 am the following morning when the sound of a truck parked in front of our guesthouse. To my surprise, it was our transportation to get to another part of Cuba. We saddled up and cramped into the back of the little truck with all our belongings. This might not be so bad after all. After driving for hours we would make potty stops when possible. We had to go through several check points and we had to stay low. After 15 hours of sitting up, twisting, hungry, tired and chilly we have finally reached our destination. We took our things and just got settled in. The morning welcomed us with fresh air, beautiful people who wanted to see the foreigners and also our hosts. After breakfast we went on a little tour. We rode the host´s horse through the cane fields and it felt so good. Every night we would travel sometimes an hour in an old tractor to visit people, pray for them and give little gifts that we brought from our home countries. To every house that we visited, there was a warm heart felt welcome. The families always prepared either fruits, pastry or special drinks for us. The Cubans are so warm and with every face you glance upon there would be a smile. It was an interesting experience to walk the streets and see little ones playing after dark without being cautious that they could be kidnapped or that any harm will come to them. The people are united and they show love to everyone. Though they dont have much, they are not in need of love for others.